
One of my favorite things to receive when I was sick was a card in the mail, especially one with handwritten notes. If you sent me something like this in the mail, thank you. You cannot even begin to realize how much that meant to me. I have been thinking a lot about what I want to create for my lil dream art shop, and I have landed on drum roll, please…

Card making!

I know, I know, simple, but hear me out. Don’t you get so excited when you go to your mailbox and see someone has sent you a letter? Same. Snail mail may be old-fashioned, but I find it way more exciting than opening an email.

My mission is to give that little excitement back to someone else by creating a handmade card for your loved ones. Whether they are celebrating a birthday, grieving a loss, going through cancer, or maybe you want to say hi, my goal is to have a piece of artwork unique to that person so that they can hang the card you sent with love on the wall or fridge, and when it comes time to replace it, they can see your handwritten words on the back and remember a happy memory knowing how much they are cared for. Doesn’t this sound much sweeter than knowing the card you sent ended up under a bunch of papers in someone’s junk drawer?

I thought so, too ;)

A Little Bit of Background Please

So you know you're in good hands, here is a little piece of my story. In March 2020, when my brother committed suicide unexpectedly, I decided I wanted to give back to others and try to have a career that might prevent someone else from deciding this fate for themselves, so I switched my major from Graphic Design to Social Work. I received my bachelor's and my master's degrees, and then, another bomb dropped in my life.

I was diagnosed with tongue cancer at age 28. After receiving radiation, chemotherapy, and having surgery, my treatments ended, and I was starting to feel a little better again, cue:

“The Healing Artist.”

Just when I thought things would get better soon, it’s baacck cancer said. And so I underwent more treatments. Needless to say, I have been through the wringer and I know from first-hand experience the ins and outs of loss and dealing with illness. As a way to honor my loved ones and cope with the many feelings of grief, loss, and dealing with an illness as a young person, I want to create little pieces of artwork by connecting with others.

As much empathy as I have for people, I tend to be highly critical of myself, and especially my artwork, which is probably why I never did anything with my passion. So, if it's a passion, why share it with others? Because I believe that connection is the key to a happy, healthy life. We need each other in this life; I certainly could not have gotten through these traumas without the love and support of my friends, family, and community. 

So here’s my little promise to myself, following through with things I wanna do, even when it’s scary, even when I know it’s bad, or I think others will judge me because I fought hard to have a life here on earth, my body fought hard for me to be here, so you god damn better believe, that's just what I’m about to do.

Welcome to my lil artist shop!

Much Love,
